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Giving Back

Support your health. Support your community.

Summer 2017

Every quarter, GPT donates a percentage of our proceeds to an organization selected by two members of our team. This quarter, Erin Patterson (physical therapist) and Justine Potter (massage therapist) have chosen the Assistance League of Seattle to receive our support.


Justine Potter


Erin Patterson


View Bio

We chose Assistance League of Seattle as GPT’s Non-Profit Organization for Summer 2017. They provide accessibility to education for both children and adults. There are several programs in Seattle:

  1. Operation School Bell provides new clothing to over 2300 needy and homeless children who are enrolled in K-5th grade, enabling students to focus on their education and not their need for basic clothing.
  2. Enrichment Scholarship Program offers financial aid to students in grades 6-11 to attend summer enrichment programs for music, art, math, leadership, computer science and more.
  3. Financial Aid for Education offers full tuition and books to students (generally in their 20s, 30s, 40s) enrolled in King County public colleges and vocational schools who are not eligible for other financial support.
  4. Assisteens auxiliary will kick off September 2017, made up of 7th-12th graders ready to volunteer in the community to raise funds to help support local homeless teens with new clothing, shoes and hygiene kits.

Education has been the key to our personal success and we want everyone, especially children, to have access and assistance to achieve their goals.

For more information about how you can support this organization or donate directly, please visit: Assistance .

For every new user that likes GPT’s Facebook page, we’ll donate $1 to the Assistance League of Seattle!

Watch for other ways you can be involved in supporting this great cause.