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Services Overview

We provide general physical therapy services including, but not limited to:

physical therapist working on a patient

on-the-job injury icon

On-The-Job Injury

Strains, sprains, carpal tunnel syndrome, cumulative trauma, tendonitis, etc. We have evening and weekend hours to prevent lost time on the job. Our business manager is familiar with L&I claims and can assist you with your case should you have any questions.

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Physical Therapy for Runners

Physical Therapy for Runners

Treatment and prevention of running injuries, including video analysis utilizing the Hudl technique.

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knee joint icon


Fractures, dislocations, joint replacement, joint separations etc.

spinal cord icon

Spinal Injuries

Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacroiliac joint treatment.

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basketball icon

Sports Injury

Tendonitis, sprains, strains, overuse injury, ACL, rotator cuff, Achilles tendon repair post-op programs, etc.

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car crash icon

Motor Vehicle Accidents

Whiplash, trauma to the spine or extremities, headache, chronic pain, etc. We accept PIP coverage.

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Nerve Injuries

Sciatica, disc ruptures, pinched nerves, nerve injuries, nerve inflammation, etc.

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pregnancy icon

Pregnancy and Postpartum

Modified exercise programs for new or expecting moms.

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Soft Tissue Injuries

Bursitis, tendonitis, frozen shoulder, myositis, fibromyalgia, muscle and joint sprains/strains, hand injury.

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Myofascial Pain

Cutting edge treatments for fibromyalgia, polymyalgia , and other chronic pain conditions.

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Post-operative Care

joint replacement, rotator cuff repair, Achilles/quad tendon repair, wrist and hand rehabilitation, ACL and knee reconstruction, and other post surgical rehabilitation.

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vestibular rehabilitation icon

Vestibular & Concussion Rehab

Treatment of dizziness and vertigo caused by BPPV, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, Meniere’s disease, labyrinthine fistulae, acoustic neuroma, cervicogenic dizziness, and migraine-related dizziness, as well as concussion rehab following a blow to the head or fall.

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Pediatric Sports Medicine

Pediatric Sports Medicine

Treatment of orthopedic pediatric sports injuries including concussion and vestibular management.

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Pelvic Floor Weakness

Stress/urge incontinence, prolapse, urethrocele, rectocele, cystocele, enterocele.

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Pelvic Pain

Pelvic floor spasm, vulvar pain, vestibulitis, vaginismus, dyspareunia, levator ani syndrome.